MTC week #3
So I have a question for you: "Do you have faith in Jesus Christ?" What will you do when the going gets tough and adversity steps or slithers in your way? The snake and mantis in the pics are from a walk we took while studying our Spanish vocab. Pretty cool huh?

On Sunday night we went to the Devo and it was a great talk, the speaker had recent convert missionaries from the audience talk about how they were converted and why they were serving a mission. one girl said that she would study The Book of Mormon just to argue with people about it and was an atheist and then some how through experiences came to know it was true. Another girl's family was converted and she was not, and she was strongly against it, but through her friends and personal experiences she found the truth. And then there was a guy who was against the church his whole life until his best friend committed suicide and he talked about how that was so hard for him and he came to know of the truth that way and that his family didn't want him to serve a mission, but then he just basically bore his testimony and they said they were fine with it.
On Tuesday night we were able to hear from a member of the 70s. His name was Brother Sitati. He was from Kenya. He and his wife talked about remembering everything that we are, our potential, our blessings, and many other things. It was cool that I had the "remember remember" key chain that mom gave me at the time. I have it attached with my card to my belt.
This week we have been teaching 3 mock investigators.They have all gone pretty well. I have been able to understand the language fairly well since I got here but speaking it is another thing but this week I was able to speak it pretty good. We were able to teach some members on Monday night. I was able to have a great conversation. One of the brothern asked us if we knew some Spanish before we came. I told him that I hadn't taken any Spanish before I came out and he was amazed! He even got a picture with me and my companion because he thought it was so cool. He was in his 20's or so.
On Sunday we were able to watch "The Mountain of The Lord" and it was awesome. I really liked it, especially because I had already seen it before with dad. :o) Oh and in answer to your dear elder letter about me and Darrell being a half a world apart: My answer is the "called to serve" song lyrics. Pretty neat!
One other interesting thing I learned this week just when I was talking to another elder in district meeting was that when we wear our badge we carry 4 names: Jesus Christ, The church's name, The Title "Elder" and our last name. it's interesting that we carry our last name and not our first and we came to the conclusion that it is because we represent Jesus, the church and our families as well while we are on our missions. Family is pretty important.
Love you all and I love the letters and packages. In fact, some elders in my district asked me the other day if I ever get tired of getting so many letters each day haha so that's awesome.
here is some pics:
yes.... Jeb has #2.... that is a great number.... haha. That was my same number when I played in 7th and 8th grade for the Trojans. Wear it well!
Thanks Grandma Bendixsen. These will come in handy. :)
This is our balcony! We now have one due to we had a leaky pipe in one of the back rooms of our apartment, so they moved us to a new apartment!
I am still using my engineering talents with my retractable toothbrush :)
Are you Priesthood Worthy?
Love you all!
Elder Caleb Adams