Best experience of the week:
One cool experience we had is One night we had put the goal to find 7 new people in one day. Well, we had kind of a busy day with a lot of lessons and an activity in the church. So, by the time 8 at night had come around we had reached almost all of our inspired goals, expect for the new investigators. I knew that inspired goals can't fail if we do all we can. So I said a few prayers in my heart. And everyone here goes to bed early, so at 8 pm there wasn't really anyone. We started walking the street and I looked at every house and payed attention to my feelings. We walked for quite a bit and I still had not felt anything, until I saw a small street branching off of the street we were on. I felt something and thought we should go contact that street. Well, before I could say "We need to contact that street", my companion asked me--"Hey have you ever contacted that tiny little street?" That was just another confirmation that we should go there. So we went into the little street and we walked to the end where the houses were and I talked to them all and Nothing......... Nothing. Maybe future investigators. So we started to leave, and when we were exiting the street, I saw a house and felt we should contact it. Well long story short----We found 5 new investigators there at 8:30 at night! And now they are starting to reading the Book of Mormon, and ended up coming to church with us this past Sunday!!! WOW, what miracles the Lord works when we just listen and follow!
I have learned how important it is to have the faith to put inspired goals and then to have the Faith to work for those goals. We must have the faith and then then work to back up that faith.
I hope that you have all already started the Family Garden! Its a commandment that comes with a lot of really great blessings! On P-day we were also able to help a member start a garden. We readied the ground by taking shovels and removing the rocks. We built her a garden for service. It was great fun!
Well life here is good and getting better. I am healthy and loving the Mission.I love this area!
Con Amor Elder Adams